@华侨大学化工学院+先进碳转化技术研究院, Welcome to the A214Group website!
Dr. Hua Dan 花丹老师
Associate Professor Dr. Hua Dan
姓名: 花 丹
单位: 华侨大学化工学院化工与制药工程系
职称: 副教授
研 究 室:泛华科技大楼
Biography: Dr. Dan Hua (花丹) received her BEng (2009) and BEng (2012) in Chemical Engineering from Xiamen University (XMU, China) in 2009 and 2012, respectively. She obtained her Ph.D. degree in NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering from National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore in 2016. She then worked as a research fellow in Prof. Neal Tai-Shung Chung’s membrane research group at NUS from 2016-2018. Afterwards, she joined the College of Chemical Engineering in Huaqiao University (HQU, China) as an associate professor.
- 2018~至今: 华侨大学,化工学院化工与制药工程系,副教授
- 2016~2018: 新加坡国立大学,工学院化学与生物分子工程系,博士后
- 2012~2016: 新加坡国立大学,综合科学与工程学院(NGS),博士 (导师: Chung Tai-shung 教授,钟台生院士)
- 2009~2012: 厦门大学,化学化工学院化工系,工学硕士 (导师:李军教授)
- 2005~2009: 厦门大学,化学化工学院化工系,工学学士
- 膜制备与改性:高分子聚合物、二维纳米材料(如氧化石墨烯、石墨烯、碳化氮等)、新型纳米材料(如金属纳米颗粒、金属有机骨架材料、石墨烯、碳纳米管等)等用于各种膜的制备与改性。
- 膜的应用:涉及渗透汽化、蒸汽渗透、有机溶剂纳滤、纳滤、超滤等各种膜技术以及光催化降解,可以用于有机溶剂回收、生物燃料的分离、药物或食品工业的分离与提纯、废水处理(如染料、重金属、油的分离或降解)等领域。
- 2019.01.01-2021.12.31:国家青年科学基金项目,21808072,离子液体辅助构建含MOFs杂化分离层的聚酰胺有机溶剂纳滤复合膜研究,25万元,在研,主持。
- 2018.07-2021.07:华侨大学科研启动基金,600005-Z18Y0031,离子液体辅助构建纳滤复合膜研究,10万元,在研,主持。
- 2016.01-2018.01:新加坡国家自然科学基金,NRF-CRP14-2014-01,Development of solvent resistant nanofiltration membranes for sustainable pharmaceutical and petrochemical manufacture, 8,767,252新币,参与,研究组带头人。
- 2014.10-2015.03:NUS 与MSD International GmbH 公司合作项目,R-279-000-434-592,Evaluation of potential membranes for isopropanol (IPA) dehydration by pervaporation and vapor permeation,20,000新币,已结题,参与。
- 2012.08-2016.01:新加坡国家自然科学基金,NRF-CRP5-2009-5,New biotechnology for processing metropolitan organic wastes into value-added products,50,000,000新币,已结题,参与。
- 代表性期刊论文
- D Hua, S Japip, KY Wang, TS Chung*, Green design of poly(m-phenylene isophthalamide) (PMIA) based thin-film composite membranes for organic solvent nanofiltration (OSN) and concentrating lecithin in hexane, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 6 (2018) 10696-10705. (IF: 5.951,JCR2区)
- D Hua, TS Chung*, Polyelectrolyte functionalized lamellar graphene oxide membranes on polypropylene support for organic solvent nanofiltration, Carbon 122, (2017), 604–613 (IF: 7.082, JCR1区).
- D Hua, RK Rai, Y Zhang, TS Chung*, Aldehyde functionalized graphene oxide frameworks as robust membrane materials for pervaporative alcohol dehydration, Chemical Engineering Science 161 (2017) 341-349. (IF: 3.306,JCR2区)
- D Hua, GM Shi, C Fang, TS Chung*, Teflon AF2400/Ultem composite hollow fiber membranes for alcohol dehydration by high-temperature vapor permeation, AIChE Journal 62 (2016), 1747-1757. (IF: 3.326,JCR2区)
- D Hua, TS Chung*, Universal surface modification by aldehydes on polymeric membranes for isopropanol dehydration via pervaporation, Journal of Membrane Science 492 (2015), 197-208. (IF: 6.578,JCR1区)
- D Hua, YK Ong, P Wang, TS Chung*, Thin-film composite tri-bore hollow fiber (TFC TbHF) membranes for isopropanol dehydration by pervaporation, Journal of Membrane Science 471(2014), 155-167. (IF: 6.578,JCR1区)
- D Hua, YK Ong, Y Wang, T Yang, TS Chung*, ZIF-90/P84 mixed matrix membranes for pervaporation dehydration of isopropanol, Journal of Membrane Science 453(2014), 155-167. (IF: 6.578,JCR1区)
- D Hua, X Zhang, G Zhan, Y Hong, Y Su, H Wang, J Li*, A high-pressure polar light microscopy to study the melt crystallization of myristic acid and ibuprofen in CO2, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 87(2014), 22-27. (IF:2.579,JCR2区)
- D Hua, J Hong, J Li*, Solid-liquid-gas equilibrium for binary systems containing N2: Measurement and modeling, Fluid Phase Equilibria 302 (2011), 190-194. (IF:1.846,JCR2区)
- D Hua, J Hong, X Hu, Y Hong, J Li*, Solid-liquid-gas equilibrium of the naphthalene-biphenyl-CO2 system: Measurement and modeling, Fluid Phase Equilibria 299 (2010), 109-115. (IF: 1.846,JCR2区)
- JT Liu, D Hua, Y Zhang, S Japip, TS Chung*, Precise molecular sieving architectures with Janus-pathways for both polar and nonpolar molecules, Advanced Materials 30 (2018):1705933. (IF: 19.79,JCR1区)
- MHDA Farahani, D Hua, TS Chung*, Cross-linked mixed matrix membranes (MMMs) consisting of amine-functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes and P84 polyimide for organic solvent nanofiltration (OSN) with enhanced flux, Journal of Membrane Science 548 (2018) 319-331. (IF: 6.035,JCR1区)
- J Zuo, D Hua, V Maricar, YK Ong, TS Chung*, Dehydration of industrial isopropanol (IPA) waste by pervaporation and vapor permeation membranes, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 135: (2018), 45086. (IF: 1.866,JCR3区)
- MHDA Farahani, D Hua, TS Chung*, Cross-linked mixed matrix membranes consisting of carboxyl-functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes and P84 polyimide for organic solvent nanofiltration (OSN), Separation and Purification Technology 186 (2017) 243-254. (IF: 3.359, JCR2区)
- HM Tham, S Japip; D Hua; TS Chung*, Green Layer-by-layer Method for the Preparation of Polyacrylonitrile-Supported Zn(BDC) Membranes, ChemSusChem 11 (2018) 2612-2619. (IF:7.226,JCR1区)
- HM Tham, KY Wang, D Hua, S Japip, TS Chung*,From ultrafiltration to nanofiltration: hydrazine cross-linked polyacrylonitrile hollow fiber membranes for organic solvent nanofiltration, Journal of Membrane Science 542 (2017) 289–299. (IF: 6.035,JCR1区)
- J Hong, D Hua, X Wang, H Wang, J Li*, Solid-liquid-gas equilibrium of the ternaries ibuprofen+ myristic acid+ CO2 and ibuprofen+ tripalmitin+ CO2, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 55 (2009), 297-302. (IF:1.835,JCR3区)
- X Hu, Y Guo, L Wang, D Hua, Y Hong, J Li*, Coenzyme Q10 nanoparticles prepared by a supercritical fluid-based method, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 57 (2011), 66-72. (IF: 2.579,JCR2区)
- AR Ibrahim, JB Vuningoma, X Hu, Y Gong, D Hua, Y Hong, H Wang, J Li*, High-pressure gas-solid carbonation route coupled with a solid ionic liquid for rapid synthesis of rhombohedral calcite, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 72 (2012), 78-83. (IF:2.579,JCR2区)
- G Zhan, L Ke, Q Li, J Huang, D Hua, AR Ibrahim, D Sun*, Synthesis of gold nanoplates with bioreducing agent using syringe pumps: a kinetic control, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 51 (2012), 15753-15762. (IF:2.567,JCR3区)
- 已发表专著章节
- GM Shi+, D Hua+, TS Chung*, Chapter 6: Pervaporation and vapor separation, in Membrane Separation Principles and Applications, Edited by A. F. Ismail, M. A. Rahman, M. H. D. Othman, T. Matsuura, Elsevier, 181-232 (2018). (+: 共同一作).
- 2017.08.22-27 中国香港:Asian-Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering (APCChE),The 17th Congress, Polyelectrolyte modified graphene oxide/polypropylene composite membranes for organic solvent nanofiltration (口头报告)
- 2016.07.26-29 日本奈良:The 10th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society, Teflon AF/Ultem composite hollow fiber (HF) membranes for high-temperature vapor permeation process (口头报告及学术海报展示)
- 2015.02.15 新加坡NUS:NGS Symposium 2015, Membranes for energy (natural Gas and biofuel) development (海报展示)
- 2015.07.19-21 台湾台北:The 9th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society, Aldehyde modification of polymeric hollow fiber membranes for pervaporative isopropanol Dehydration. (口头报告)
- 2014.11.16-21 美国亚特兰大:2014 AIChE Annual Meeting, Design and fabrication of thin-film composite tri-bore hollow fiber (TFC TbHF) membranes for pervaporative isopropanol dehydration. (口头报告)
- 2014.07.20-25 中国苏州:The 10th International Congress on Membrane and Membrane Processes, Zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIF-90) filled P84 mixed matrix membranes for the dehydration of isopropanol via pervaporation. (口头报告)
- 2011.09 中国郑州:第十一届全国化学工艺学术年会,高压等温结晶研究装置的建立及初步应用(口头报告)